Wednesday, 12 November 2014

ESA Rosetta comet song - techno sample

So the much anticipated ESA Rosetta mission has been an initial success, with the probe contacting the comet and miraculously picking up an oscillation inaudible to the human hear . Amplified at least 10,000 times to a audible frequency it sounds like some sort of organic space whale song It's too good a sound not to waste so have sampled it and am currently working on a techno track with this sampled. check back here for further updates. On that note well done to humanity for achieving something of the impossible, landing a man made probe on a comet travelling 36,000mph through space after circling the planets gaining speed in gravitationl slingshot the rosetta mission has paid off. Hopefully we can learn more about the our early solar system from the comet as it transits the sun.

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